Researching Relationships

Erythrosine B (C.I. No. 45430)

Iodoeosine Sodium Salt, Tetraiodofluorescein Sodium Salt

Purity / Analysis Method min. 90%
Molecular Formula / Molecular Weight C20H6I4Na2O5 = 879.86
Physical State (20 deg.C) Solid
CAS RN 16423-68-0
Unit Price
25 g 900
50 g 1700
100 g 3200
Appearance Orange to Amber to Dark red powder to crystal
Purity(UV-vis method) min. 95.0 %(calcd.on dried substance)
Lambda max. 524.0 to 528.0 nm(0.02mol/L AcONH4 sol.)
Drying loss max. 6.0 %
Solubility Soluble in water, Alcohol